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Preparing Schedule A

Course Description
Last Updated: July 9, 2024

Course Description


Registration Form


This workshop is an introductory session on preparing Schedule A.This workshop covers:

  • The UMAS Chart of Accounts including different fund types, revenue and expenditure accounts, UMAS function, and department codes
  • General fund revenues and other financing sources
  • General fund expenditures and other financing uses
  • Special revenue funds
    • Federal grants
    • State grants
    • Receipt Reserved for Appropriation Funds
    • Revolving funds
    • Other
  • Capital Projects funds
  • Enterprise funds
  • Trust Funds
    • Expendable
    • Non-Expendable
  • Agency Funds
  • Personnel Expenditures
  • Schedule of Cash and Investments
  • Debt
  • Fund Equity Reconciliation
  • KAR-1

This workshop is recommended for municipal finance officials or individuals who would like a Schedule A overview or refresher. Up to four people from your organization may attend the session.

Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024, 9 AM to 12 PM


Tuition: $300.00
CPE Credit Hours: 3

Instructor: Matthew Abrahams, Principal with The Abrahams Group, has provided financial, operational, and performance consulting for a number of years. He specializes in automating Schedule A, the Balance Sheet, EOYR, and other required reports.